Saturday, November 15, 2008

Excerpt from Talent is Never Enough:

One of the paradoxes of life is that the things which initially make you successful, are not necessarily the things that keep you successful. You have to remain open to new ideas and be willing to learn new skills.

Dr J Konrad Hole says:
'If you cannot be teachable, having talent won't help you.
If you cannot be flexible, having a goal won't help you.
If you cannot be grateful, having abundance won't help you.
If you cannot be mentor-able, having a future won't help you.
If you cannot be durable, having a plan won't help you.'

Confined to a dungeon and facing the certainty of an executioner's chopping block, Paul writes to Timothy and asks him to bring:
a) Writing paper. 'I still have something to say.'
b) books. 'I still have more to learn' (2 Timothy 4:13)

Learning should be our lifelong pursuit.

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